8 Steps to Keep Your Email Account Safe from Phishing Scams

Email phishing scams are one of the most common types of cyber attacks and have been around since the beginning of email itself. They’re easy to execute and can result in major security breaches, so it’s important to safeguard your email account against them as much as possible. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to avoid falling victim to these scam artists!

Step 1: Don’t click on links in emails

Phishing scams are one of the most common ways for hackers to access your account information. Hackers will send you a fake email that looks like it’s from someone you trust, and they’ll use the email address and logo of that person’s company in the message. When you click on a link in the email, it takes you to a website where they can steal your login credentials. Don’t fall for these scam emails! Never click on any links inside an email unless you’re 100% sure it’s real.

Step 2: Don’t follow links in emails that you don’t recognize

If you receive an email that is out of the blue and you don’t recognize the sender, it’s best not to click on any links in the email. Even if it does seem like a legitimate email, take a minute before clicking on any links and make sure you are entering your information into the right website. If you are unsure about where the link is sending you, type in your website address manually instead of following an emailed link. Remember: never share sensitive information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or passwords via email!

Step 3: Install Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software

Install anti-virus and anti-malware software to keep your computer secure. Anti-virus software scans your computer for viruses and malware, while anti-malware software will protect your computer against malware. You may want to consider using a firewall as well. A firewall protects your network from external threats by controlling the flow of data coming in and out of the network.

Step 4: Enable Two Factor Authentication

One of the best ways you can protect your account is by enabling two-factor authentication. This will require you to enter a six-digit code when logging in, which is sent as a text message or generated using an app such as Google Authenticator. The code changes every 30 seconds and it’s impossible for someone else to steal your code because it’s only generated on your phone. Once you’ve set up two-factor authentication, you’ll be required to enter this code whenever you sign into Gmail, making it much harder for hackers to break into your account.

Step 5: Use Secure Passwords

The more difficult your password is for a potential hacker, the safer your account will be. Here are some of the best practices for creating passwords:
1. Include numbers and symbols – Capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols should all be used.
2. Avoid personal information – Stay away from using words that are related to you personally or things that others would easily guess like your name, address, date of birth, etc.
3. Use different passwords for different accounts – This not only helps protect against phishing scams but also prevents hackers who might have discovered one of your passwords from being able to access all of them.

Step 6: Review Security Settings Regularly

One of the easiest ways to protect your account is by reviewing your security settings regularly. You can do this by clicking on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of your inbox, then selecting Settings and checking the Security tab. Make sure that you have checked all three of these settings: * Require a password for every login * App passwords for all apps in Mail * Send an email confirmation code when you try logging in from a new browser or device

Step 7: Read Emails Carefully

One thing you should know is that it’s always a good idea to hover over links in your emails before clicking on them. Some links will be labeled with the company name and some won’t. If you don’t see the company name, this is most likely a phishing scam. Remember, if you’re not sure about a link, then click on it and research it before following through with anything. This will ensure that you don’t end up giving your account information away to someone who doesn’t have permission to have it.

  • Click on links in an email only if they are labeled with the company name.
  • Hover over any link before clicking on it.
  • Never enter any account information without confirming that the company is legitimate

Step 8: Report Suspicious Emails

If you are ever unsure about an email you receive, call the sender’s phone number or send them a reply email asking for clarification. If the sender cannot be reached, it is best to delete the email and not open any attachments. Remember that legitimate companies will never ask for your password in an email.

Summing up

Phishing scams are the most prevalent type of internet scam, accounting for 80% of security breaches. To protect yourself, it’s important to remain vigilant and not click on links in emails or provide personal information over the phone. Always be suspicious of unsolicited emails, even if they appear to be from people you know. If you have any doubts about an email’s legitimacy, call the sender on the number listed in your address book or send them a message through social media or text.

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